VoluntariadoForma parte de nuestro programa de voluntarios

About the Program

Zoorefugio tarqui was created in 2008 by Willian López and Fanny Bonilla, with the main objective to help the animals that are victims of the illegal trafficking, we take care of them and provide what is necessary to improve their quality of life.
Volunteer help is really important for all the animals, as we do not receive funds from the government, it is a hard work but it is wonderful to care of them, we need help of people that love animals and do not mind to get hands dirty, volunteers help is needed all the year.
Volunteers’ activities are from cleaning enclosures, paths, until feed the animals, caring the animals in quarantine (arrived animals, or baby animals), and work in enrichment area.
You will learn about Ecuadorian culture, share with locals, learn new skills, and learn Spanish in a natural way.

Our preservation work is achieved through 3 processes, education, recreation and research. In these 3 areas we cover key issues such as illegal trafficking of animals. We often receive animals that have been the victim of trafficking or similar illegal activities, upon receiving such individuals we try to rehabilitate and release them back into the wild when possible. However the sad fact is that this is not always possible so some individuals remain with us at our zoo, we endeavour to provide these animals with an environment as similar to their natural habitat as possible. It is our excellent work with such animals that has lead other rescue centres to send us animals they receive and cannot care for, as well as receiving many illegally kept animals seized by the Ministry of Environment. Be a volunteer in our Refuge!
Let’s join us
The Location
What you can expect

Resources are SCARCE as we do not receive any funding from the government or any other organisation, so your contributions are vital to help us save the local wildlife and improve the life of our resident animals.